Urban expansion and sewer overflows have a major impact on the water quality of the Stiemer river in Genk. Here, we use a real-time sensor network to map the water quality and to better understand the functioning of the water system. Expert interpretation of the data allows us to provide targeted advice to the local authorities.
- Sensors measure temperature, water level, electrical conductivity, and oxygen level in the Stiemer
- Real-time data facilitate targeted expert advice on the abatement of pollution from storm overflows to restore the water system and biodiversity in the Stiemer valley
- Sensor data are visualised in an accessible website for a wide audience
The sensors were installed at specifically chosen locations and measure temperature, water level, electrical conductivity and oxygen level of the water in the Stiemer river. Real-time sensor data enable a continuous monitoring. These data are supplemented with measurement results from grab samples.
A smart interpretation by VITO's water experts of the monitored parameters allow us to map in detail the impact of e.g. pollution by sewer overflows. With this information we advise local authorities in developing a targeted approach to restore the natural water system and biodiversity in the Stiemer valley.
Citizen science project Stiemerlab
VITO’s delivers these services as part of the citizen science project Stiemerlab. The maintenance of the sensors and the grab sampling is done by a team of enthusiastic citizens.
The monitoring area extends from the source zone in Waterschei to the nature reserve De Maten. Along this trajectory of the Stiemer a network of sensors is installed and water samples were taken at sixteen different locations and analysed by project partner UHasselt.
The monitored results are visualised in an accessible website for a wide audience. This allows citizens to follow up the local water quality and increases their awareness and commitment.
The Stiemerlab project shows the power of digital water management as basis of a carefully developed master plan for the Stiemer valley strengthened with awareness raising among the local population.
Stiemerlab: measurements
Discover the monitoring results on the website of the citizen science project Stiemerlab.