Science figured out: monitoring drinking water sources

VITO researcher Joni Dehaspe works on water quality in the ‘natural environment’ and focuses on data analysis and modelling of (fresh) water, soil and groundwater. For ‘Science Figured Out’ she explains in a short video how VITO supports drinking water companies in monitoring the quality of their raw water sources.


Digital monitoring of raw water resources

Where does the clean, potable water flowing from our taps actually come from? "In Flanders, we extract our drinking water from various raw water sources, such as underground reserves, canals and rivers. This water is then thoroughly purified by drinking water companies so that it is safe for consumption," explains VITO researcher Joni Dehaspe. "At VITO, we continuously monitor the quality of raw water sources with sensors. This allows us to intervene quickly in case of serious pollution, such as a discharge. Thanks to advanced computer models, we can even predict the consequences of pollution or prolonged drought."